16 May, 2007

NOW this is the place for pure unbridled emo.

State of mind: jumbled
Current soundtrack: J Pop Rocks- No Regret (Koda Kumi)

As you can tell, I shut up. For a long time, even by my standards. And the foundations mentioned in the previous post? Yeeeeah, they're still standing, but whisper the name of that one particular lecturer and they flinch.

Let me try and start over.

*clears throat* When we last left CMYk, she was chugging along perfecting another MM Prod. interactive CD (blood donation—I LIKE this one) , a motion graphic (depression; needs a little more poking, but didn't do too badly) and that now infamous-among-MM511 online media project. The former two went almost as well as can be expected. The latter screamed, writhed, cursed, barfed pea soup, had its head turn 360° and sput-put-tuttered to a rather graceless landing.

Without putting too fine an edge on it, our clients was confused, we were unpleased, I was unacceptably emo and the lecturers received the largest surprise of all: if we had all handed up our work and done, in their words, 'pretty well', why were the majority of us reporting brimstone, anguish and threats of dismemberment in our post-project reports? As far as I can see, the problem may have stemmed from trying to please just about everyone. The brief said one thing. One lecturer said another. Lecturer #2 said something else entirely, and a sense of confusion reigned. One classmate with her flair for the dramatic apparently proclaimed that we had been 'abused'—while I sporfle over it now, on the day of the marks announcement, I might have agreed in a rather watery fashion. I told you I was emo.

...Which is my excuse for the long absence/hermitage/reclusiveness/hissyfit. It took three weeks of peace and quiet to get some of my old mojo back, and I'm praying hard there will be no repeat of last term. I graduate in about half a year. I can't change my results slip (which was...pretty dangerous). Things are progressing as they should for now. Gantt charts have to be drawn up. Project topics have to be decided. I'm talking to the fresh meat new students again. So, let's try and start over.

Once more into the breach, Ultraman![/insidejoke]


Anonymous said...

Come back to LJ T_T

Miss your posts T_T

May Chong said...

Only when I can be sure my social life is stabilised, Firn. *headpat*