30 December, 2007

One last meme

State of mind:
Current soundtrack: Ultraman Max Song Collection - Ashita ni Nareba (Project DMM)

[muse]Max songs contain a lot of the word 'genkai'. Mebius songs mention 'mugen' a lot. [/muse]

Well. As you can see, I'm back from Japan—and I returned with loads of UM stuff, a splinter in my finger, influenza virii and plenty of powerful memories. But before I actually, yanno, do some work and write up the whole trip, I thought I'd pop in what will probably be this year's last meme. :3

  1. Was 2007 a good year for you?
    Yes and no.
  2. What was your favorite moment of the year?
    ....Going to Ultramanland, obviously.
  3. What was your least favorite moment of the year?
    A toss up between ending the year's first term—it was a very aggravating three-four months—and getting Noa-tan snatched. If they TOUCH him, I hope he shocks their balls off. D:<
  4. What are your plans for 2008?
    Keep the job, start saving for UMLand AND Adobe Creative Suite, make new friends.
  5. What countries did you visit?
  6. What date in 2007 will remain etched in your memory?
    December 25th.
  7. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
    Got the YCLMS! *beam*
  8. What was your biggest failure?
    Failure to acquire any sort of social life. Pflurgh.
  9. Did you suffer any illness or injury?
    Flu, flu and more flu. And a twisted ankle.
  10. What was the best thing you bought?
    Can't think of anything beyond all that UM music at the moment.
  11. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
    In two words, Malaysian Parliament.
  12. Where did most of your money go?
    Food and books.
  13. What did you get really really really excited about?
  14. What songs will always remind you of 2007?
    Probably James Blunt's '1973'. Ironic, I know.
  15. 15. Compared to this time last year are you:
    a) Fatter or thinner?
    Slightly more weighty.
    b) Happier or sadder? Sadder. One more layer of cynicism—although when the happy breaks out, it shows all over!
    c) Richer or poorer? Marginally richer. Angpow money, mah. XD
  16. What do you wish you'd done more of?
    Socialising, schmoozing and asking questions.
  17. What do you wish you'd done less of?
  18. How will you be spending Christmas?
    I SPENT it. At Ultramanland, surrounded by stage shows, squeeing adorable children* and men in rubber suits.
  19. Which LJ/MySpace users did you meet for the first time?
    ...BNF-known-as-N doesn't count, does she?
  20. Did you fall in love in 2007?
    Speak not to me of love.
  21. How many one night stands?
    What did I just TELL you!?
  22. What was your favourite TV show?
    Mebius KINDA went on into 2007. Haven't watched any of those episodes though. ^^;
  23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
  24. What was/were the best books you read?
    For One More Day (Albom), Papa is Ultraseven, Home Sweet Home (Miyanishi), Never Let Me Go (Ishiguro), UM Story Zero (Mabune)
  25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
    Josh Groban. Yum yum!
  26. What did you want and get?
    Ultraman music. The YCLMS scholarship. Some work. Lots of education.
  27. What did you want and not get?
    Ultraman Fighting Evolution for the PSP TT__TT
  28. What was your favourite film this year?
  29. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
    I went to class, watched a movie—300—and through serendipity met some old friends for nonalcoholic drinks. I turned 20. I still don't really 'feel' it.
  30. What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
    A love interest, perhaps? One that reciprocated, for once?
  31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
    Chunky shirts and mansandals. ;) Also, I discovered layers. And makeup. And the fact I don't look half bad in traditional Eastern costume.
  32. What kept you sane?
    Ultraman. Not the fandom batshittery, mostly just Ultraman in itself.
  33. Which celebrity did you fancy the most?
    Josh Groban. Again, yum yum!
  34. Which political issue stirred you the most?
    BERSIH walk followed by the batshit that was HINDRAF. Brain hurty, kthxbi.
  35. Who did you miss?
    My sister. Shortly. Currently it's a few good men back in Arao.
  36. Did you treat somebody badly in 2007?
    I may have.
  37. Did somebody treat you badly in 2007?
    It is possible.
  38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year?
    Three things are very important: gumption, social skills and time management.
  39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year...
    My past rides into my memories
    And it's coming again with this music
    I'm trying to fight for me
    For my life; for my right
    (Another Day Comes, Pay Money To My Pain)

[+/-] Was 2007 a good year for YOU?...

If I don't see y'all again before the year is out, here's wishing you a happy, happy 2008!

*apparently the words 'adorable' and 'children' coming out from my mouth = sign of the apocalypse.

27 December, 2007


State of mind: still nostalgic
Current soundtrack: 4-5 stars - Even the Nights are Better(Air Supply)

Sigh. Last day. We had breakfast, and Hajime snagged a lift with us on the tour bus to the airport. XD Turns out his daughter Chika was coming down to meet him, and they were going to go harngkai around Kyushu. We bought some final souvenirs, and headed for the plane. Nothing else of import happened at Fukuoka…except, wait, yes, I saw THIS.

Sometimes, you don't even GET three minutes. Ultraman knows that kind of thing.
…May I remind you I was ALREADY pining for UMLand? ^^;

I have, so far, been quite lucky when it comes to airline food. My luck ended that day. Lunch was some kind of NASTY miso-drenched teriyaki chicken, but the less said about that the better. D: At least there were no screamy children, but just as the plane touched down in Singapore, the boy in front of me hurled. Woops.

There was a little lull of transit in Changi airport, and then we were back in softly cloudy Malaysia. Suddenly, we were home.

And that marked the end of my little stint in Japan. I left Malaysia with an empty heart, sick of people in general. What I saw filled my heart; Nagasaki put the lid on; Ultraman kept it full. I'll treasure what I saw and experienced for a long, long time. It saw me through the beginning of a new time in my life—may it continue to do so!

26 December, 2007


State of mind: nostalgic
Current soundtrack: 4-5 stars - Ouran High Host Club - Itsumo Soba ni (Kirii Daisuke)
Meebs and May
Five minutes after this picture was taken, Mebius did something that took my breath right away. But first...

Went for breakfast (wtf, nabemono for breakfast? Nowai.) and set off for UMLand once more. Dad had a golf appointment with his old uni mate Hajime, so I was free as a bird! I girded my loins for battle set off for UMLand, singing ‘Radiance’ loudly for much of the way. This time, I actually made it to the East Gate proper. Boy, was it worthwhile. Lookit the ROAD!

I bought my ticket (aaaand another GUYS pin) and was just in time to take pictures with Gaia: the first session of the day! It was great that the guy bothered to put his arm round my shoulder (yeee!) but…you can sort of tell I’m going to fall over, right? *didn’t know where to put big Malaysian feet*

The day proceeded much like the preceding one, except that I, er, documented the place a bit more, and there were a few other events of note:

I ate Ultraman. Ultra-man, rather.
I specifically aimed to come in winter so I could try these: Ultra-man, or Ultra pau! Too bad that yesterday, they hadn’t any! The staff lady promised to make some today, so y’all can guess what I had for lunch. :)

Ultraman: Everybody’s Ally! Too bad the first character in ‘ally’ is the same as ‘taste’. This makes for groanworthy puns.

Ultraman all the way down, it is—and then you tear it open.

Gaaaaah. So meh. Mind you, I’m used to char siew pau, and char siew pau this was most definitely NOT. There were mushrooms and…turnip?...and mystery meat (probably pork), so it was edible but not the most enjoyable of foods.

But come on, admit it. How COOL is it to admit that you’ve eaten an Ultra-man? BNF N (from yesterday) told me that she once went up to the counter and asked for ‘Urutora-man wo kudasai’ (Please give me Ultra-man). The girl’s surprise was, apparently, very evident. Pfuh. If the real Ultraman was that cheap, damn, I’d buy one and take him home! Heck, I’d buy several! ;)

Apparently the counter girl thought I was from China. Nope, sorry miss, three generations too late.

Shihan and Sensei—I mean Dyna and ‘Man showed up.

So I’m eating my average Ultraman with orange juice when, suddenly, from the main building, I hear a very familiar battle cry. Packing the pau with a paucity of pauses, I pattered promptly podiumwards, proceeding to powerfully...nearly spit my lunch out. Dyna and the original Ultraman!!! Together! Apparently this meet-and-greet or fureai time wasn’t on the list. For an Ultra Ninja Manual fan, this was near-brilliance. A pic op followed, so I grabbed my travel log and a big black marker, scribbled down something and went for piccies.

This proves two things; One, my insanity to all and sundry, and two, it really IS possible to resemble the ‘:3’ emoticon. The text, naturally, is a UNM reference.

And then I got them to sign one of the cards I got yesterday, so I had a lovely UNM assembly: Dyna-shihan, Gaia-kyoushu and Man-sensei!

Cosmos stageshow: Kimi wo Omou Chikara

Oh God. Oh, GODS. Best. Sodding. Moe. Show. Ever. How good? Fanfic-inspiring good. It did NOT help that I saw this so close to leaving UMLand, at the end of yet another tumultuous year.

I must have missed the memo that post-Cosmos, Justice and Chaos Header (CHAOS HEADER?! HED-DAH? Okaaay…) were now under Derashion fighting for ‘absolute justice’ (zettai seigi). Derashion? Hon? Take that gods-damned [white noise] ‘absolute justice’ and STUFF IT. It doesn’t exist, not in my mindset. Your justice is not tempered in the slightest by compassion or mercy. What good is your justice when it slays the pure with the wicked? What good is it when it pits Cosmos against Justice and Chaos Header, AGAIN?! I ask you, what good comes of killing Cosmos, AND Justice AND Header? WHAT GOOD WHEN YOU DARN NEAR KILL THE MC LADY? EEEEEEEEEEHHHHHH?!?

*cough* Sorry. Getting ahead of myself. I’m better now.

So yes, Derashion wishes to hammer Earth because it is STILL being stupid and selfish and martial. This is underlined by the MC’s encounter with a disillusioned Hook Seijin (I think) who is reading the papers and getting ready to quit the Earth. (The MC didn’t know the name of the current US Pres, by the way. Despite someone yelling ‘George W. Bush! GEORGE DABLYU BUSH!’ from the back. Heh.) Justice and Header (in the form of Chaos UM Calamity) encounter a blissfully unaware Cosmos, and give the poor man an earful. Two earfuls. “What have you been doing? We left the Earth in your hands!” A battle ensues (horribly brutal, yet damn good). Cosmos still does not want to hurt his friends, despite getting turned into pizza by the other two, and he fires Justice this verbal salvo:

“But (if you wish to destroy me)…Why is there no weight to your fists?”

Ah wish ah noo how to quit choo
This was Justice's cue to break down and grab Cosmos about the shoulders. “Of course!” he replies. “How can I fight my friend?” (This was M.Y.’s cue to take pictures and preserve the moment, muahaha.) Chaos echoes this sentiment. AW CRAP WHY ARE YOU TWO SO ADORABLE I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO LIKE Y'ALL THAT MUCH!

Decidedly cheesed off, Derashion sends the robotic resetter Gloaker Pawn to kick everybody’s tushies. Having been kicked up and down the stage—errrr, streets, Cosmos is no match for the metal lunk and literally dies on his feet. Justice and Header plead for his life like crazy mad. DO WANT. Gloaker knocks them both off, and…'Justice’ MAY have missed a position cue, because he falls and gets stabbed—in the BUTT (Yes, an Ultra was just kancho-ed to death. Hurrah.). The robot then pushes Cosmos over, but the MC blocks his fall (eee!) and stands in front of him, against the advancing chunk of junk. (EEEE!)

Right at the end everyone revives, and Derashion is persuaded to give this stupid blue planet one more chance, and there is a very Gary-Sueish ending…although I would have preferred much more audience participation. I mean, screw this Derashion, if you’re going to kill me I demand a chance to speak! I believe in the general good of man; that is the hope you left us with 4 years ago. (5 years, at actual time of completion of this post...)

Speaking of Justice? His, er, her, er, hir voice is surprisingly feminine. It could be construed as androgynous, but it strikes me as deaaaad feminine.

And here’s the thing. I sort of like Cosmos. Not the show, which was kinda meh, and not even the movies, which Filem Karya Nusa has ruined for me FOREVER (“MusHashi! MusHashi!”). Just the music, because Project DMM was still a novelty then, and Cosmos as a character. And as you can see, I was full of adoration and squee. I think (no, I’m pretty sure) I clocked him on the jaw when I hugged him. (._.;;;;) Yes, I hugged him, finally continuing the tradition from the FIRST time. *cough*

Food's OK, but it's kinda ESSPENSSIF D:
Between squeeing and glomping and pau-eating, I made one trip to the Ultra de Restaurant but just had a Dyna Calpis, I mean a soda. Wasn't half bad. Got to chill out and watch people go buy, finish logging some things and listen to lots of Ultra music in general.

Almost blew the whole budget on this shelf. Moving on... The amount of Miyanishi Tatsuya was awesome I really think it woulda fit... This picture makes me feel really OLD. *I have the predecessor of these sets.* Bad Japanese pun for the day
I also made several trips to the UM M78 World shop, performing reconnaissance and finally completing as much of my Ultra shopping list as I could (yet somehow completely forgetting to buy that lovely costume mask…*headthwack*). How beautiful, that so much Ultra can be squashed into that amount of space. From clothes to DVDs to squishies to postcards to figures (of course), if you can conceive it it's likely to be here. Ironic, then, that I couldn't find the Hikari Saga DVD TT_TT. I even managed to impress(?) two junior high-schoolers with my 1337 1337 sk33l5. (Yes, boy, I KNOW ALL THE ULTRA NAMES BOOHAHAHA. Run scared nao kthx.)

Figures that in the one picture I have with Seven, I blinked. ^^; We're in ur Land, rox0ring your sox0rs Agul's pretty much the most pimp daddy Ultra I've ever seen. In a good way.
One also got to meet Seven (who signed the travel log), Leo, and Agul. Yes, Agul again. Not only does he seem to be a frequent 'attraction', he’s also sod-damnedly friendly. I saw him giving a little girl a ride on his shoulder! AGULLLL! Has romance cooked your brains? What would Reiko say, heck, what would Gamu and Gaia say?! XD

Burning Brave, the symbol of true nakamaship
The final Ultra of the day was Mebius Burning Brave (…appropriately enough…). Filled with equal parts reluctance to leave, courage from N’s Agul display yesterday and female hormones from the Cosmos show, I glomped him as hard as I dared. And as I stepped away, the man very cheerfully patted me on the head.

…Ohsnapz. Mebius patted me on the head.



Gentle reader, I damn nearly cried. ありがとう、メビウス。ほんの少しの勇気付けてくれて、ありがとう。

With much reluctance, I finalized all my purchases, talked to a few staff members (oh N~I know your given na~me no~w ;)), and set back off to the hotel. If anyone tells you they heard an anguished string of Japanese being yelled at a certain building in Arao on Boxing Day evening, um…they’re lying?

I'll come back to see you guys, so...wait up for me please?

The rest of the travel log for that day was filled with wobbly, wooby Ultra observations one’s readers might do better without here. Except for this one, because it's important in a fangirlical fashion:

It's probably different for the girls. Ask the boys what UM is to them. You get "Strength." "Beams." "Hissatsu waza/Surekill techniques." "Nutrition" (I don't get that one either.) Or the older ones might be too embarassed to answer. Now ask the girls what UM is to them and they say, "Protection." "Mercy." "Sense of justice." "Someone cherished." When it comes down to it, I think girls even cheer louder than the boys for their heroes.

I have a T-shirt with Ultra Mother looking out over the sea and some Engrish pondering her motives. I think I know. Koyumi is waiting for Ikio's return...the girls, fragile and tenuous, hold out for their heroes.

Got back to the lobby to find that Dad and Hajime had finished up early. Whoops. Sorry fellas! Took a train to Hakata, and then a taxi to the hotel, which had such lovely soft beds! We all wanted to go eat some Geniune Kumamoto Ramen, so Hajime said ‘oh let’s try this place’ and we flagged down a taxi. The driver, however, didn’t seem to approve.

Hajime: We'd like to go here...
Taxi driver: Aw, that place? It's all price and no taste. How about I take you to Nagahama instead?

…Brilliant. Mild-mannered taxi driver is actually RAMENMAN. ;) But his suggestion paid off, as we ended up in a little street store/yatai, sheltered from the elements with plastic sheets. Inside its tiny but cosy exterior, the good stuff. The smell of the soup was GLORIOUS (...meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat), and it was thick to the point of whiteness. We ended with a little bit of sushi at a different place (…is squid even SUPPOSED to go *squish squish squish* like that?!) but sad to say, I sort of prefer Sushi Zanmai’s. (M.Y. is a noob. She knows.)

Packed again and bumbled around and generally got on each other’s nerves before finally bedding down. Tomorrow we were going home, but I feared my heart would stay behind.

25 December, 2007


This post is dedicated to (chef!)Agul and his suitactor(s) AND his other colleagues, whose woobie shenanigans kept the strange longing Ultrafic flowing for three months straight. Thanks a bunch, you big blue tsundere squeeball. ;___;

State of mind: hungry
Current soundtrack: Dance Mix - Kamen Rider Den-O - Climax Jump (AAA)

When I saw N hugging chef!Agul—nay, clinging to him as if for dear life—I was reminded very suddenly why we like Ultraman. Outside your family, you attach yourself to something that gives you stability. And that, in the form of a costumed chef who will pet you on the head, was hers.

Gweeee. Sorry. Just had to get that off my chest.

Sped through brekkies today and left the tour group—ye gods, FINALLY. I will speak not about the family who have personified kiasuism and pushy parenting for me forever. Much. Headed for the train station and promptly realized that oh shite, we didn’t know where the platform for the train was.

Luckily Japan had thought of that, and all you needed to do was just follow the handily coloured trail.

Boarded the limited express/tokkyuu Ariake no. 10. Talked to an old guy in the train who later helped me with my bags, yay! Snagged a taxi and headed for the teenyweeny but cosy-cosy Hotel Blanca. Surprise surprise, it literally DUMPS you into Mitsui Greenland. (Now I know where to stay the next time if I can’t afford Verde! *w*) The reception was very kind, evidenced thusly:

R: OK, and here we have some discount vouchers for (insert little list of Greenland-connected theme parks)
M: Gee thanks, that’s all really nice of you, but I just want to go and see Ultramanland today.
R: Oh, that’s very easy. *unfurls Map of Awesome* You go aaaaaaall the way over there, and when you arrive at the East Gate, you just go out. K?
M: ‘Kay! :D Thanks!
R: Have fun! See you!
M: Oh I WILL. :D Byebye!

…I went aaaaaaaall the way over SOMEwhere. Couldn’t find the gate at all, and Greenland is all over goddamn hills. Would you believe I wound up ENTIRELY LOST and ended up exiting from a service/staff exit?

M: Wait! Stop! *hee haa* I want to get out!
Staff: Uh, miss, you know if you’ve come out here you can’t come back in?
M: _Ohshit._ Uh…I have this…coupon thing…this is OK, right?
S: Oh yes.
M: Lovely. So, which way is UMLand?
S: *points*
M: Thank you! *hee haa jog jog jog*
S: Have fun!
M: I WILL! 8D~

A few hills and one crossed road later…it APPEARED LIKE A BRILLIANT VISION @o@. Tiga, Dyna AND Gaia statues were there, guarding the road before it. And LO, M.Y.’s heart did sing and soar and do happy bouncy dances.

Tickets were being sold with original CREW GUYS badges (for a small surcharge) so I got one—AND a discount voucher. Which I could use tomorrow. ♥ I’d missed the opening ceremony by a fair bit, so went walking around a bit before catching every single show that went on after that. (and to be truthful, some of the pictures I'm still planning to put above this? Taken when I returned the following day.)

This was how it went.

Christmas Fantasy — Santa’s White Bag and Black Bag (Santa no Shiroi Bukuro Kuroi Bukuro)

Otherwise known as The One With Booska In. Oh gods. I HATE Booska. Wryyyyy?!!

Anyway. Show starts with your friendly yellow monster being lent a white scarf from the MC lady. The story moves on to Santa, who senses a dark aura and traps a rampaging Red King in the form of a toy, in his black bag. Santa goes on to natter something about all darkness being evil. ‘Ah,’ says M.Y., ‘I know where this is going. Agul’s in this, isn’t he? Light-and-shadows-and-balance, and all that.’ Wrong. Santa was dead serious. : Booska bumps into Santa, knocking him out (lay off the ramen!) and accidentally procuring the black bag and Santa’s other, white one. He accidentally chucks the RK figure out, which brings it back to life and prompts Gaia to appear—in a Santa suit!— (“Eh? Where’s the party?”) Booska makes his escape, and a short interlude follows involving Christmas music, and Nice in a Santa suit singing ‘Jungle gym’ in lieu of ‘Jingle bells’ and performing an Opappi routine.

Nice: Sonna no kankee nee, sonna no kankee nee…
M.Y.: _What in the world is this unholy doinkery?_ OAo;

A voice issues from the black bag, begging Booska to release its wronged owner. As is usually the case, it is a fakeout; Booska does this anyway, and a seijin pops out mwahaha-ing away, intending to steal the presents and destroy all his competitors. Boo runs in shame (Gaia appears again around this bit) but is persuaded to atone for his doings by the mysterious MC lady. He returns, and another fight ensues where he recaptures Santa’s white bag. He vacillates for what seems to be FOREVER about what figure to chuck out from the bag (JUST THROW THE WHOLE THING, DAMMIT!)

So he throws a figure. Just one. Finally. And Agul appears, back to the audience and looking frightfully awesome, because he is the original Blue Badass Antihero Ultra. The first thing out of his mouth?

“Merry Christmas.” (+ thumbs up)

“Not what we called you here for, Agul!” ←x_x; (Gaia, half-dead)

"...Do you have ANY idea how embarassing it was to say that?!"

Ahem. Anyway. The two fight, and are duly trounced. However, Santa appears to kick some butt (wait a minute...) and the MC heals the two to full power. (WAIT A MINUTE...) The final battle ensues, and Santa/MC reveal themselves to be Ultra Father and Ultra Mother. Ohboy. Why did I not see this coming? This, btw, is also about the only time I’ve seen Ultras do a dance in real-life. A-Agullll… *sweatdrop* (trust me. You may not want to ask where the dancing came in...)

OYAH. ‘Santa’? Agul is ‘dark’. Faust and Mephisto were ‘dark’. Tiga WAS dark. Your manga oniisan was dark. You of all people should know the world is not binary.

After the show, Father went off outside to take pictures with the adoring public. While in the queue, I overheard a conversation between a mother-of-two and um, some-other-lady, and chipped in helpfully with ‘yeah, Ultra-love is eternal.’ See how much of a kaypo Malaysian I am? XD We then got to talking further.

“You’re not Japanese?”

“Oh no, Malaysian.”

“-_-…Do you go online?”

“-_-; …Yeah, I’m M2000…”

“Oh my. I’m N.”

“ZOMAIGOD N-sama!” *takes her hand and pumps it*

N is a BNF I hadn’t been in contact with for about a year. I had mentioned to her friend (and one of my worships) S that I would be coming down, but never expected to see her instead! Sorry guys, no pictures—Japanese BNFs, particularly from this fandom, are all veddy veddy veddy shy and secretive. In public, anyway. But she is kiut, and her kids are kiut too. :D

We talked a bit and spent s’more time hanging out later. But now it was time for the next show!

A Warrior’s Determination (Senshi no Kakugo)

Hikari sounded good. Mebius sounded…generic. ):/

Kyuraso Seijin works for an ebil organization, but seeing Mebius and Hikari in action, he decides he wants to be an Ultra too. Someone’s willing to help—too bad someone happens to be Mefilas, who happens to be planning world domination. Again. Smarmy man obtains Man and Seven’s cell samples in battle, and turns Kyuraso into Chaosroid U.

:O Mebius and Hikari are warned about Mefi’s plans, and Hikari (smexily) beats some info out of a Muzan Seijin but is tricked and bashed up. Flying in to help is Scott, and the two go to help Mebius, who has been tricked into some sort of pact by Mefilas. (“Defeat Chaosroid, and I will leave the Earth.” “…That’s a promise, y’hear?” “Yes, of course. IF you win.”)

Kyuraso!U is finally defeated (of his own volition), as is the Chaosroid S(even) that later appears. But the coolest part of the show is Mefilas going down in a blaze. Mebius is cheered to full strength by the audience, and fires off a beam—and straight down one side of the stage, a full line of firecrackers went off with a splendid and cool effect. How splendid and how cool? Dude, I watched this show FOUR TIMES and I forgot to take a picture of it at every single go. I just stared with my mouth in an ‘O’.

Mefi acts well, and is deliciously cruel (how DARE you kick my puppy!!!) but talks waaay too much. Pontificatus maximus…

During the show I saw three kids with hand-sewn UM appliqués on their jumpers. Law, were they squeeable.

Ultra Gakkou

…Um, 80 teaches road safety. Baltan interferes. Then he doesn’t. There’s not a lot more to say. I wish there was!

Paper Theater (Kamishibai): Ultraman MomoTaro


The story goes as the Momotaro story generally goes – old couple (Ultra Father and Ultra Mother) find a peach and cut it open to have a kiut little baby spring out. Ultraman Momotaro goes forth into the world with his banner (it says ‘Uchuu-ichi’ instead of ‘Nihon-ichi’) and ‘millet dumplings of light’ to defeat the monsters on Ogre Isle (for some reason, this includes a daikon-snarfing Gomora). On the way he meets Nice (the dog), Zearth (the monkey) and Dyna (the pheasant).

Very cute, with JUST as much crack as you’d come to expect from something containing Taro. *dies laughing again*

Ultra Petit P

The last time I went, there was a fadorable Zetton in the Petit P. Picture him, this angular, grumbly black space dinosaur, killer of Ultras and emitter of searing fireballs, *squealing* into the audience, “Minasan, konnichiwaaaa~! Boku wa, Zetton desu~~~~!” This time it was a not-as-fadorable Taraban, and a definitely-not-fadorable Hanejirou. Mm. This should tell you something, as Hanejirou IS the essence of fadorable. Both were in Santa suits. The day after, Taraban took leave and was replaced by Zarab.

Nothing much to report here. It was a song guessing game.

Seems that N comes extremely regularly to Ultramanland, so everyone knows her and her chibbits. :o~ Ii naaaaa. She was extremely reluctant to leave at 5, as was I, so we, er, dillydallied near the Ultra de Restaurant (‘Land also has an Ultraman M78 World shop and Ultra Dessertland). Apparently less and less people go to Ultraman per year (although that day, supposedly, was not too bad.) Chef!Agul showed up, and aye, I remembered N luffluffLUFFS Agul. Seeing her hug him, and him stroking her hair, made me wibble mightily. I have to admit that much. When I saw N hugging chef!Agul—nay, clinging to him as if for dear life—I was reminded very suddenly why we like Ultraman. Outside your family, you attach yourself to something that gives you stability. And that, in the form of a costumed chef who will pet you on the head, was hers. And it’s not just her. To the fans, he is ‘mercy and (a sense of) justice’. He is ‘a cherished thing’. He’s Ultraman. We may never find the likes of him again, yet one can always hope.

Got back to the hotel, futzed around figuring out how to pack stuff, and went for dinner at the hotel’s little restaurant. We were the only people there. O_o; It was fun translating the courses for Dad. It was NOT so fun realizing that Ho Lee Shuet, the little fish was NOT the main course and was followed by a little steak. So…much…meat…*falls over*

Even the weather seemed happy to cooperate. I hoped it would tomorrow. Tomorrow, I would try to complete every goal I set, including the shopping. I was still short of much music!