22 May, 2007


State of mind: satiated
Current soundtrack: Ueki no Housoku - No Regret (Koda Kumi)

So we're all finally in our internship program—and I'm working for PSTheChildren.org along with three other guys. Again, I am the sole female in a group (not overly hard when your class has all of four). It is also slightly disheartening when the other members are told they are here for their Flash skills and well-roundedness, but the main reason you're with this group is to make sure no one screws up the English content. I guess everyone has their roles, although I'd like to do some of the graphic work at least...

Had a tiring if somewhat fulfilling day today. Went out for Japanese and currently feel like a stuffed eggplant - which makes me wonder how the 4 salarymen at the table next to us could pack it away like there was no tomorrow. Had my first taste of yukimi daifuku, which apparently involves ice-cream coated in a thin layer-o-mochi. I like Japanese food as much as the next person, but why the heck are those things so hard to eat? @_@ Also, there was strawberry ice-cream in mine. I dunno, that sounds more like a sort of hanami daifuku to me.

Now I REALLY must decide what to do for MMP Studio.

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