27 September, 2007

Now this? This is villainous.

State of mind: grim
Current soundtrack: "Old newspaper...Paper lama...*tootle tootle*"

U.N. urges calm amid Myanmar clashes

At this point, one was just waiting for the other boot to drop, really.

I may not be the BEST Buddhist in the world (who am I kidding? I'm not!), but one thing I learned quite early, while writing up Gensomaden Saiyuki fanfiction.

There are 18 levels of Buddhist hell, the lowest of which is deemed Avici. The suffering is nigh endless and the space is flexible. There are a few crimes that, um, secure your place there: matricide, patricide, killing an arhat and shedding the Buddha's blood, to name a few. Some group matricide and patricide together, and include suicide. The list changes here and here, depending on where you look, but one crime is usually on that list: creating discord in the sangha, or the community of monks/nuns/practitioners.

Deaths and tear gas for a peaceful protest, led by a respected religious institution. Mm. I call discord, all right.

So yes, o junta, I must agree with the catcalls of your people. Justice will be served in another world. You are fools. You are fools.

And if y'all are curious about why I didn't link from a local paper's site - I looked at three, and couldn't find the exact article.

So suddenly, the graduating batch wants to revamp themselves as Villains. Fine turnabout, from the heroic theme we once had.

I don't particularly care how dark and edgy and anti-establishment and WILDLY DIFFERENT it is. Anti-hero, ho yes. Bringit. Anti-villian, convoluted, but I like. Even my co-writers' outlooks on that brought me round a little. But *Villain*? Outright bad guy?

1. a cruelly malicious person who is involved in or devoted to wickedness or crime; scoundrel.
2. a character in a play, novel, or the like, who constitutes an important evil agency in the plot.
[Origin: 1275–1325; ME vilein, vilain <>villa, -an]
—Synonyms 1. knave, rascal, rapscallion, rogue, scamp.
Maybe I'm idealistic (who am I kidding? I am!), but I didn't come to TOA to emerge as some dark force of power, forcing change. I came because I wanted to change the world in a non-violent fashion, and if I want to be evil, malicious and cruel, I'm perfectly capable of doing that on my own, thank you, away from the industry.

What's bad about being negative? Well, it's all there in the question. The world is dark enough as it is. I refuse to pour any more shadows onto it.

23 September, 2007

A sliver of heaven in the bundt cake of hell.

State of mind: relaxed (supposed to be busy...)
Current soundtrack: Un Giorno Per Noi (Josh Groban)

I think it's been a very...trying week in general, with brinjals stuck up odd places. Iftheycatchthatfeckerpleaseturnhimintoasalad But I would like to count my blessings:

  1. I know my language skills are better than very many classmates, which opens up a few possibilities in future. Although I do need to learn some Mandarin chop-chop. Which leads to:
  2. I scored the highest in the whole batch for the Business Presentation final exam. 95/100! I never got 80-per-anything here before, 'cept for maybe SEA Culture Studies. :D The best part was I even managed full marks for the second question. Weehee!
  3. I got Josh Groban's Awake at the shops today. The man's not heartbreakingly gorgeous, but he can SING and he has wavy hair and the packaging has nice typo AND there's an Italian version of A Time For Us which is my favourite Mancini piece AND I AM HAVING AURGASMS THANK YOU. *points to the current soundtrack*
More news at the next full-day break!

18 September, 2007

Meme ganked from D.M.

State of mind: sleepy

Aye, another one. The connection seems to have stabilised now, but you should've heard the parental unit thunder at the Streamyx call centre staff.

1. A is for age: 20

2. B is for beer of choice: A&W Root Beer. I'm more of a shandy-and-cocktails person.

3. C is for career right now: Design Student.

4. D is for your dog's name? Don't have one. Would call it Mebius. Or Gardie.

5. E is for essential item you use everyday: Handphone/Laptop

6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Ultraman Mebius. I don't get out much.

7. G is for favorite game: Pokemon: Mysterious Dungeon Red.

8. H is for Home town: Petaling.

9. I is for instruments you play: Recorder, vocal cords and air guitar. XD

10. J is for favorite juice: honeydew.

11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: This would be a loooong list...

12. L is for last place you ate: Home. We had fish and beans and it was nummy. :D

13. M is for marriage: Not yet, but yes please.

14. N is for your full name: ...Do I have to? ):D

15. O is for overnight hospital stays: None so far. Let's hope it stays that way.

16. P is for people you were with today: My dad. And the domestic.

17. Q is for quote: "What SHITTERY is this?"

18. R is for Biggest Regret: That I couldn't overcome the Hikoboshi Incidents for three months.

19. S is for status: Wanna be popular woo. ;)

20. T is for time you woke up today: 8 am, swearing profusely.

21. U is for underwear you have on now: ...Sloggi's.

22. V is for vegetable you love: French beans and kangkung and bok choy and potatoes...

23. W is for worst habit: I pick my scabs.

24. X is for x-rays you've had: None. One endoscopy of the throat.

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today: ...French beans! :DDDD;;

26. Z is for zodiac sign: Aries, the ram. Which might explain the current memesheepage. MEEEEEEEEEEEHHHH.

16 September, 2007

Memesheepage, BAAAAA.

State of mind: annoyed

Meme ganked from several LJ contacts, including D.M. and Firn:

1. Go to careercruising.com
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top ten results.


  1. Desktop Publisher (That's...kind of still in the scope.)
  2. Sign Maker
  3. Cartoonist/Comic Illustrator (Ultra Ninja Manual doujin, anyone?)
  4. Dental Assistant (Ironically, I am more suited to be one than Firn, who is actually, yanno, TRAINING to be a dentist.)
  5. Fashion Designer (I might not be too popular. For one thing, you'd actually be able to WEAR the stuff I put on the catwalk. <_<)
  6. Animator (Ninja teabags!)
  7. Costume Designer (...well I did sew that Ultraman costume way back when...)
  8. Taxidermist (...)
  9. Nail Technician (. . . . .?!)
  10. Hairstylist (Of all things?! Have you SEEN my hair?)

Some of the other careers suggested included graphic designer, journalist, critic (feh, aren't we all?), translator and jeweller. Somewhat frighteningly, website designer was at #18 on the list. Computer animator was #20.

The frellin' broadband connection is out; I suspect that it was affected by the quakes in Indonesia. Male parental unit is blustering and threatening the hapless customer service rep over the phone with cancellation of membership, although he seems to have conveniently forgotten other established competitors don't cover our area. The once trusty dialup connection has been spotty at best for the past few days, abruptly disconnecting in an hour more times than most artistes lose touch with reality in a month. =_= Still, as the proverb goes, 'got no cane, settle for roots.' Even if the roots aren't really that reliable.

14 September, 2007


State of mind: OTLed. Just OTLed.





Tsuburaya Enterprises sold to TYO Prod.

Oh man...OTL Let's hope TYO* doesn't do anything, er, untoward with Big Red-n-Silver. As it is, this has turned the smackdown of Chaiyo into some kind of Pyrrhic victory. Is it can be manga buying tiem nao pleez?

What is Tsuburaya's fate now? Tune in next time to find out!

*I just typed this as TYPO. Methinks I've been thinking about books too long.

13 September, 2007


State of mind: enlightened

Yanno, I peeked at Google today and wondered why there was a peach in the title. The alt text was enlightening.

Matilda! (James and) The Giant Peach! Chocolate (...from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, where else?)!

Happy Birthday, Roald Dahl. You made for very happy years of childhood reading (and a few similarly enjoyable years of adult reading, too).

12 September, 2007

Down, down, down in a burning ring of firrrre...

State of mind: hungry
Current soundtrack: crows waking up

Well, the new semester's started—my final one. I talked to the fresh meat, er, the new intake. It was quite pleasing to see that they were actually, y'know, talking to one another and had the decency to laugh at their poor senior's lame jokes. ;P It was also pleasing to see Ruzy, who is one of Hako's friends.

It was not as pleasing to find I had become the only speaker slated for that day. *panicpanicpanic* Why all you others fong fei kei on me?! DDDDDD:

Also, moooooommy, the ruling coallition is lambasting the opposition again. There was some flag-burning going on shortly after Mereka, in Batu Buruk, and guess who's a convenient scapegoat? :S Granted, all right, all right, there may have been some militant, disgruntled Malaysian who decided to turn the Jalur Gemilang into a Jalur Goreng. But no, the precious part comes in Parliamentary debate. (Doesn't it always?) Quoting from the September 12 2007 edition of The Star, an MP 'said such people should be kicked out of the country for not caring about the country's dignity' and further went on to interject, "It is not our loss if we kick such ungrateful people out."

The precious part? That MP was Jasin's Mohd. Said Yusof. As in, Mohd. Said "Close-One-Eye, All-Your-Logs-Are-Belong-To-Me, Leaky-Women-LOL" Yusof.

Pack your bags, Datuk, because if the opposition go, you're definitely bound for Timbuktu with them for your damage to our country's dignity! Maybe you can take your Kinabatangan counterpart with you. It is not our loss, after all! >:3

*cough* Back to work now.

(ETA: Edited to correct the place where the riots took place. Not sure where K.T. came from.

Also, you know you've been roleplaying on Neopets too long when you automatically type a double set of brackets, ala OOC, for a simple blog ETA note. GAH!)