08 March, 2008

State of mind: perky
Current soundtrack: UM Gekiden - do do la do (Sudou Hitomi)

To all the Misses, Missuses, Madams, Ma'ams, Aunts, Aunties, lengluis, xiao jies, da jies, ah sohs, por pors, piu chehs, ka chehs, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, anes, tangkachis (sp?), ah mois, ciks, kaks, adiks, fujoshis, furgirls, lassies, ladies, daughters, granddaughters, matriarchs, moms-in-law, dames, broads, hussies, girls and women of the world: Happy International Women's Day. Enjoy it!

I have other things to say, about my students. However, they are mostly unprintable at present and there are...shall we say, better ways to express one's self?

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