09 March, 2008

I say, where DID my jaw roll off to?

State of mind: surprised
Current soundtrack: Kimi to Iu Na no Tsubasa De (Kobukuro)

The government said to remain calm. Do not celebrate. Do not hold victory rallies. (If that's not a veiled reference to '69, I don't know what is.) So, OK, I'm calm. I'm not celebrating. But my heart is a big, old, sweet rolling dance party.

The opposition coallition (DAP-PKR-PAS) has claimed 4 states in the elections, including my home state; perhaps not so happily, PAS alone has won over Kedah. 3-4 ministers lost their seats. Overall, BN has a simple majority and not the much-desired two-thirds. In Malaysia, this is probably the closest a not-Alliance party has come to FLAWLESS VICTOLEE.

Things are about to change, people, and don't you say you weren't there to see it happen. And if the 'Opposition' screw this up, they will never get the chance to get these seats again, so Do It Right, people!

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