06 December, 2007

Belum lagi kulepas dari hutan...

State of mind: drowsy
Current soundtrack: The blips and blops from MechQuest

Not too long back for Digital Portfolio, Wai Khong mentioned that a couple of us were going to be interviewed by the Multimedia Department along with our final DigiPort mock job interview. Without putting too fine a point on it, my interview could have gone quite a bit better.

Just got a call from the MM Department to confirm the date of said extra interview—maybe should ask Keith and Foong whether they received one too. They were hoping for 21st December (no, thank you, that's Leave-for-Japan Day), but it's been confirmed for the 18th, at 10.30 a.m.

...Now, exactly what shall I show them? ('_')*

Darnit. And yesterday was so peaceful, too. We went up north to go see the fireflies, but ended up enjoying the monkeys on Melawati Hill and the seafood dinner with random water-bird sightings much, much more. (photo credits mostly go to Sis' fiance Jyoti Barker)

P.S. - Dear Malaysian government: There's not much use enforcing a law against jaywalkers when cars DO NOT SLOW DOWN in front of zebra crossings. Just sayin'.

P.P.S. - ....Certain big-name faaaaaaan, why is Faust in a dreeeeeeeessssss? Why does shi have eeeeeeeeyelasheeeeeeeeessssssssss?!!!!

*Kumonface. Those who get it, will get it.

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