05 June, 2007

All ur text are belong to ME.

State of mind: frazzled
Current soundtrack: Snatches of 'Purple People Eater'

Guess who's the copywriter/editor for Batch 51's graduation campaign? X3 Between me and my trusty, equally grammar-finicky assistant, no syn(tax) shall go unpunished*! No verb shall be treated as a noun! The F7 button will sing beneath our fingers! Behold, TOA, She-Noun and the Masters of the Grammarverse! *triumphant cartoon music* One small problem—I really don't know anyone in the board besides some of my classmates. I guess now's a good opportunity to get to know some people from other majors besides the old foundation gang.

Internship is going along quite smoothly. So far, so good—we're all bouncing merrily off each other and it's proving to be a pleasant experience. Expect to see some of my sketches here soon. :D

I had a horribly, unashamedly moe-riffic dream last night. There was an Ultraman event on for the school holidays—a GREAT BIG event!!!—in which Noa handled a crying baby expertly (cue squeeing from author), I saw a massive flock of Brahminy kites on a beach and life was so good I refused to wake up until I'd overslept one hour. :P

Firnheledien comes over tomorrow for a visit! ♥ But tonight...proposal work. @_@ *reluctantly detaches self from blogging and goes to work*

* we sincerely hope.

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