24 January, 2008

Gamble on the bramble ramble ramble

State of mind: bleh
Current soundtrack: Black Jack 21 - Destiny (Shimatani Hitomi) on triple loop

I work on two briefs.

I tutor two classes and make them laugh, sometimes.

I have my first paycheck. (pictures laterterter)

I also have a huge rolling cold. Rhinovirii are attention whores!

Cold: *is coy and teasing*
M.Y.: Go 'way.
Cold: *whines*
M.Y.: Sod off, I have things to do.
M.Y.: BAAAAAAK-CHOOM! (yes, I sneeze like that. In Caps Lock.)

Cold medicine brings strange dreams. I was back in my old highschool, and there was a tree with leaves of giant mantids, and flowers of butterflies. Also, one got to meet up with, judging by the age group, Sarutobi and three of her Ultrafriends. If you believe my brain the Ultra Galaxy series has spawned an RPG/FPS combo, the first chapter of which involves a fadorable grey puppy that belongs to...Hayata. I can't remember its name at the mo. The only way you could get tokens for it was with UG gashapons, and I didn't have the money so I watched on the sidelines.

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