A eulogy for Noa-tan, a.k.a. This. Really. BITES.
State of mind: annoyed⇔depressed
Yesterday I became part of a not-so-proud majority in Malaysia - I was the victim of a snatch theft.
About 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, I'm heading to someone's nice, quiet house for a voice recording session when said someone screams. I turn, and there's this...skinny guy darting towards me. Of all things to do (running, screaming, yelling, clocking his white-helmeted face with Noa-tan's heft), I froze. And he grabbed Noa-tan's bag, thumping me on the back of the hand to make me let go. Bastard takes one step forward...and swivels round, snatching my pencilbox out of my hands as well.
...MY PENCILBOX. Ohyashure, that's going to be full of valuable shite.
I'm all right. I'm not hurt, and nobody else was. We got the license plate and I'm hoping it wasn't a stolen one, too. /snark While I am alive and kicking, although doubtlessly dead for progress showing tomorrow, is it natural for me to want to punch the sod smack in the kisser?
We're looking at two slim Malay/Indo men, medium-dark skin with tan or black jackets, possibly now with weapons (...from my pencilbox). They're swift and fairly silent, and the license plate is BHN 4638. USJ residents, especially, take note; and if you see them, my readers, notify the police ASAP. They snatched a girl's wallet the same day on the same street; both reports were made at the Sunway police station, 03-56382122.
I don't really care what you think about the local police force, but help us catch them, guys. I want my Noa back.
Huh, I just had a thought, maybe they thought your pencil box had some valuable in it? I used to keep loose notes in mine (not sure who else does it)
~hugs you again. This sucks. But well, like you said, at least none of us were hurt...
I'm sorry for not being there for you TT___TT *hugs*
I'm glad none of you are hurt ;0:
Trirose - S'what the policemen said, some people stuff handphones and loose notes in there. All he'll get is a blade and bits of paper and stationery.
S_o_s - your thoughts are plenty good for me, hon. I'm glad we didn't get hurt too.
Doesn't stop me from wanting to give those two ONE TIGHT SLAP though.
Ho shit, those bastards! My mom was a victim too: two guys on a motorbike snatched her handbag while we were walking to the 3K A&W for late supper. She fell onto the road/gravel right next to the raised CEMENT platform that leads into the shop-- luckily she didn't get hurt, and I'm sure glad you weren't too. (Yes, anger is good! Perfectly natural and shows you're alive! *hugs*)
I agree that they probably thought you had some money in the pencil box... but man, that's like adding insult to injury! I hope the police can catch them eventually. In the meantime, I promise I shall direct many a curse of peeing blood upon those two assholes.
Ow. Your mom seems made of stern stuff--I'm glad she's OK.
If they're going to sell it, I hope they have fun cracking my password and explaining away the funky dark portion of the screen. May their pee ring with the fury of a thousand hungry Bogarls!
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