27 October, 2007

私たちはもう 光の国に帰って参れぬ。

State of mind: gleeful
Current soundtrack: redballoon's Yuki no Tsubasa single

I had a dream where I went to a fantastic library. By fantastic, I mean there was a veritable final tome of Ultra information. Canon, noteable manga adaptions, stuff like that. Oddly enough, there was no mention of Ultra Ninja Manual.

The interesting part was that it showed some rather dubious backstory as to how Ultraman and Seven came to protect Earth. Showa canon dictates that Man kind of followed trouble down to our little blue home, and Seven apparently did something of similar ilk. (Why the heck was he poking around mountains, anyway?) On the other hand, we now have Man on the moon, sufficiently googlie-eyed upon beholding this new planet 'so beautiful...it could drop from the sky were one to not hold it up', and Seven heading down to Earth on Man's request. But oh, my friends, this read like a whackjob fanfiction. Man used to be a traffic cop on M78, and Seven was just...drunk a lot. But somehow they met, and gazing at the Earth from the moon, looming large and blue and misty, they thought as one 'Watashi-tachi wa mou...Hikari no Kuni ni kaette mairenu.'

It was sheer beauty. I had to look it up again (although as is wont with dreams, the content changed slightly). There it was, reversed white against the black, black blackness of space: 'We already...cannot return to the Land of Light'. It was not a matter of doing, but a matter of capability; transfixed by this planet, they could not leave more than they would not.

And then I woke up to battle my cold in a slightly dustier reality, sans that book. Goooods, I desire that book. There were several Scandalous Revelations I should have liked to read over.

That night I dreamt my teeth fell out.

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