12 September, 2007

Down, down, down in a burning ring of firrrre...

State of mind: hungry
Current soundtrack: crows waking up

Well, the new semester's started—my final one. I talked to the fresh meat, er, the new intake. It was quite pleasing to see that they were actually, y'know, talking to one another and had the decency to laugh at their poor senior's lame jokes. ;P It was also pleasing to see Ruzy, who is one of Hako's friends.

It was not as pleasing to find I had become the only speaker slated for that day. *panicpanicpanic* Why all you others fong fei kei on me?! DDDDDD:

Also, moooooommy, the ruling coallition is lambasting the opposition again. There was some flag-burning going on shortly after Mereka, in Batu Buruk, and guess who's a convenient scapegoat? :S Granted, all right, all right, there may have been some militant, disgruntled Malaysian who decided to turn the Jalur Gemilang into a Jalur Goreng. But no, the precious part comes in Parliamentary debate. (Doesn't it always?) Quoting from the September 12 2007 edition of The Star, an MP 'said such people should be kicked out of the country for not caring about the country's dignity' and further went on to interject, "It is not our loss if we kick such ungrateful people out."

The precious part? That MP was Jasin's Mohd. Said Yusof. As in, Mohd. Said "Close-One-Eye, All-Your-Logs-Are-Belong-To-Me, Leaky-Women-LOL" Yusof.

Pack your bags, Datuk, because if the opposition go, you're definitely bound for Timbuktu with them for your damage to our country's dignity! Maybe you can take your Kinabatangan counterpart with you. It is not our loss, after all! >:3

*cough* Back to work now.

(ETA: Edited to correct the place where the riots took place. Not sure where K.T. came from.

Also, you know you've been roleplaying on Neopets too long when you automatically type a double set of brackets, ala OOC, for a simple blog ETA note. GAH!)

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