27 August, 2007

And now, the aftermath...

State of mind: pleased
Current soundtrack: The rumble of thunder (it's raining! It's raining!)

So yes, now that I HAVE passed me driving exam, I have a little announcement to make. From 6 pm onwards for the next seven six days, I am going vegetarian. You do not pray to two or three different buddhas/bodhisattvas and make a vow in exchange for an exam pass without fulfilling it. Besides, Manjusri—supposedly my patron buddha, hooray rabbit year—has a rather gnarly alternate form, and I don't want to have Yamantaka fooking up my dreams, thankyouberrymush.

I see a lot of buns and dairy drinks in my diet for the days to come. Merdeka Craft Fair starts tomorrow!

Mom also informs me that while it's not harmful, no, people don't usually drink a whole bottle of blessed water in one sitting. @_@;;

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