29 July, 2007


State of mind: braindrained
Current soundtrack: Black Jack - ROOTS (B'z)

So I finally glommed my aunt's copy of HP&DH/HP7/Source of Potterdammerung!!! and read it.
All right, I speed-read quite a fair bit of the clash-bang-boom thing at the end, because Mom wanted to head home. But come, spoilery art and Messenger titles and Metaquotes! I fear you no longer!

Ohright, thoughts. It was OK. I got choked up a bit at some points (not telling you where). Despaired at the death of *blip* by *blip* because it was so darn *blip* and then *blip* and *blip* died so suddenly after *blip*...I'm not overly troubled, but no wonder people got miffed. I happen to be very fond of the second and third last blips in there.

There's always time to read it in a leisurely fashion at some point in the future. :)

[spoiler]...Heeeeehehehehehehehehehe, Uncle Potter and his sons with DQNames.[/spoiler]

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