22 July, 2007

Accio irony!

State of mind: exhausted
Current soundtrack: J-Pop-Rock - REDEMPTION (Gackt)

It's raining outside, a nice pleasant sound with a nice pleasant temperature to go with it. This is one of the best times to be curled up under thick blankets with a fluffy pillow, and drifting off to the sway of one's one thoughts.

I am not asleep. I have a stiff neck, but I have just finished sketching the last sketches...I hope...of the P.S.T.C. internship project and I am pondering the irony of how I, a child of Multimedia Design and Generation-Y and all that, am fervently wishing for a media blackout of about, ohhhh, shall we say two weeks, for the following reasons:

1. My aunt, who is the big Harry Potter fan, has hidden her copy of Deathly Hallows SOMEWHERE in my grandmother's house, and I haven't been able to find it.
2. She's not revealing its whereabouts 'til she finishes reading it.
3. My aunt reads v-e-r-y slowly - it'll probably take her three weeks to finish the book, which in the language of myself and the Internet is half of forever. (To give a sense of scale, I ploughed desperately through OOTP in two days, though without much enjoyment - and HBP took a long Sunday afternoon/evening.)

The annoying part is I don't want to be spoiled at all for this book. I don't want to know who dies when or where with the what by whom. I already felt cheated when someone blurted out Dark Zagi's true identity on the board that must not be named, and since then I have been doubly anal about fandom matters.

Which, of course, makes it perfectly natural for two spoilers to hit me between the eyes within 24 hours; once when I clicked on an LJ-cut to comment on how bleedin' fast someone was reading—I scrolled down, but the browser jumped and a big spoiler sprang at me, and once more when someone slipped an R.I.P. into their Messenger alias.


Now is the time for the path of least resistance, and less Internet. But I swear if anyone comes up and blurts out anything...there will be carnage. @^@

I also promise you that I will be sneaky and furtive and put any long spluttering rants about the death of (insert name here) behind white blocks of span style.

In the next post: Pictures of what I just blew half my month's stipend on shopping for, and proof I am a complete DORKUS. (If you didn't know that already.)


n. a. said...

AUUGHHH I was terrified at having the book be spoiled for me, and then I had to work all weekend and I was so afraid people would comment on the book while at the drive-through speaker...I saw 3 of them reading HP in their cars... >_< But luckily I finished already...I'll just say it was quite amazing IMO and I hope you can enjoy it still despite what you've heard. :D :D

May Chong said...

Owww, that IS painful.

I'm actually hoping the book isn't too thick and is well-written. XD In the meantime, I'm distracting myself ogling Black Jack @ the-tsundere-doctor-who-isn't-House.