27 December, 2007


State of mind: still nostalgic
Current soundtrack: 4-5 stars - Even the Nights are Better(Air Supply)

Sigh. Last day. We had breakfast, and Hajime snagged a lift with us on the tour bus to the airport. XD Turns out his daughter Chika was coming down to meet him, and they were going to go harngkai around Kyushu. We bought some final souvenirs, and headed for the plane. Nothing else of import happened at Fukuoka…except, wait, yes, I saw THIS.

Sometimes, you don't even GET three minutes. Ultraman knows that kind of thing.
…May I remind you I was ALREADY pining for UMLand? ^^;

I have, so far, been quite lucky when it comes to airline food. My luck ended that day. Lunch was some kind of NASTY miso-drenched teriyaki chicken, but the less said about that the better. D: At least there were no screamy children, but just as the plane touched down in Singapore, the boy in front of me hurled. Woops.

There was a little lull of transit in Changi airport, and then we were back in softly cloudy Malaysia. Suddenly, we were home.

And that marked the end of my little stint in Japan. I left Malaysia with an empty heart, sick of people in general. What I saw filled my heart; Nagasaki put the lid on; Ultraman kept it full. I'll treasure what I saw and experienced for a long, long time. It saw me through the beginning of a new time in my life—may it continue to do so!

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