23 February, 2007

The post full of Ultraman, part the first.

State of mind: insanely pleased
Current soundtrack: Heisei High playlist - Ultraman Cosmos - Wandaba Team EYES (Project DMM)

All right, all of you who knew me prior to reading this blog - you KNEW it was coming. Sooner or later, I was going to make a big squeeful post about Ultraman, or something to do with Ultraman. It had to happen, and y'all were just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Well, forget one shoe - here are several! *fling*


Over CNY, I met up with fellow squee-filled Ultrafangirl Lynn at Sunway Pyramid. I brought my sketchbook full of fluffy doodles to show her, plus the latest volume of Ouran High Host Club to show her the pseudo-UM appearances (hint: Last chapter volume 9, Tamaki's food-toy collection) ; she brought the Utraman Story 0 volume 3 that she borrowed from another Singaporean fan called Yoshi. For those who have not heard of Story 0 - it's thoroughly endorsed by yours truly. Great art, a solid story (although certain details taken as canon so far are conspicuously missing) and great art I worship Mabune Shinji. A fun hour was had by all as we hooted, squeed and translated stuff. I collapsed in laughter when she pointed out the EXTREMELY pretty human form of Ultraman near the end of the book. Not handsome: PRETTY. I guess you had to be there.

We went skating, and had sushi, and after she left I decided to go browse some handphones for a minute. I know Buddhism is supposed to be moderate and unmaterialistic, but OH MY STARS, I would kill for a MotoKRZR. So blue, so high-tech, so shiny...so expensive. *sigh* I then saw some signs up announcing the opening of the Sunway Petting Zoo Interactive Zoo, which I'd been dying to see for some time.

As luck would have it, by the time I got to the ticket counter, purchased a ticket and stepped through the entrance gates, the skies opened in a glorious Malaysian downpour. I spent about an hour waiting for the squall to stop squalling and fussed over an extremely patient sulfur-crested cockatoo in the meantime. Pictures came later. =3

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(In the meantime, I'm hoping that macaw doesn't bite my ear off.)

Today was, all in all, a pretty good day. I went to open a bank account a bit nearer to my college, but was still a little apprehensive. The only experience I'd personally had with this bank was sending a postal order through it, once.

I guess I shouldn't have worried - good omens abounded. The bank was founded the same year that the first Ultraman took to the air; when I went to pick up my PIN pouch, someone had pasted an Ultraman Nexus card onto the table. To the best of my knowledge, they were only available at the launch of the Ultraman Nexus VCDs in Malaysia, and the N Project is one of my favourite Tsuburaya efforts by far.

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The card in question: Nexus Junis and Dark Faust having a go at each other. Yes, Nexus looks that grumpy all the time.

And y'all thought I was just your ordinary Ultraman fan, huh? Not by a looooooooong shot. :D Which reminds me, gotta go down to the bank again after classes on Tuesday...

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