12 June, 2007

In which M.Y. pimps Moo.

State of mind: pleased
Current soundtrack: Playlist name - series - song title (artist)

While things are getting a little sticky with Hatevetica and PSFour (but we've only just started!!), I got a nice diversion in the mail today.

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...Ohoho, what is this?

A few weeks back, before the LJ Strikethrough of 2007 (which I greatly look forward to seeing soon in a Consumer Behaviour textbook near you), the UK-based printing company Moo teamed up with Livejournal and offered little widdy 10-packs of MiniCards to a few thousand people. Free!

I'm human. I'm Malaysian. I'm a kiamsiap Hokkien, darn it. I signed up.

About two weeks later, the envelope from Moo arrived. With much squeeage of joy, I took it up to my secret bat-lair room to open. Within was this nice little holder...

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...Is that supposed to be upside down?

...which contained the awaited cards. (Just some text-on-a-background. I mean, it is free. There are limits. :D)

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Behold my precious card booteh!

The back of the MiniCards are nice and simple with some space to elaborate on yourself. Bolding and LJ logo optional.

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...Of course, I ordered these before Strikethrough happened, which made me somewhat determined to cut losses and set up permanent base on Blogger, and the inclusion of my LJ URL is now a tad redundant.

As the picture above shows, five of the cards read 'cmayyin.blogspot.com'; the others read as follows:

  • INSANITY: see cmayyin.blogspot.com
  • Ultraman: My anti-drug (among other things)
  • (Ranting was in the job description) (done in the girliest text available. Unfortunately it was a bit thin. :P)
  • 0 to insanity in 20 seconds
The cards themselves are about half the size of a normal business card, and printed on good thick stuff. Great feel, with a smooth matt finish. *rub rub*

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*boing boing* (I need to cut my nails.)

The verdict? Oo, I like. Also, I adore a site with good copy. When I actually start drawing my own income, part of it is going towards getting more uh, properly printed Moo cards. Let's see, £9.99 for 100 cards, plus the flat shipping rate of £2.99...um, RM 90? (o_o) That's it, putting money aside now, and praying the ringgit strengthens...or the pound falls...or there's another Moo offer coming soon...


Last term ago while talking to the fresh meat new students, we pulled out this one shy girl with big specs and made her present something in front. It was a bit worrying, as this seemed to be a super-quiet batch (actually, most of them kind of ARE...). I needn't have worried. Nearer the end of term, I saw her again, she recognised me coming out of class and bounced up to hail me with a big 'Hi!' There was hope for this group yet.

We've been crossing paths again and again for the past few months, and today at the local KFC we finally decided that hey, we finally needed to know each other's names. ;) Finally, the bombshell drops.

"You know the Motion Graphics tutor?"

"What, um, Ando?"

"He's my brother! :)"

"HA-WHAT!? Σ(˚Д˚)"

I must concede there was a certain resemblance, particularly in the shape of the face...So, if all goes well, I might end up tutoring the sister of my tutor? o_o;; Well, it looks like we get along, at least...

Life is complicated, but I think we all know that. >_<

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