15 June, 2007

The dessert of the devil. O_O

State of mind: sleepy
Current soundtrack: White noise from the fan

I like dark chocolate. Scratch that - I LOVE dark chocolate. The aroma! The taste! The high polyphenol levels!

This week, I bought a Meiji 99% Cacao bar.

(Thanks for the image, Meiji.)

The first mention I heard of the bar was through one of the fancomics on M787, with Neos being the unfortunate sampling guinea pig. Finding it at the Shojikiya over Pyramid proved to be a little too strong of a temptation. Bought a bar to try, scoffing at the warning on the back of the box: 'This is extremely bitter chocolate'. Foolish mortal, they weren't kidding...

After dinner, I unwrapped the stuff. Good galloping GODS, did it smell good! I broke off a small piece and chucked it into my mouth. Hmm. This wasn't so bad, even as it was melting. And then I swallowed, the chocolate hitting the back of my throat.


That was not chocolate. That was the essence of a black hole compressed into a slab of pure, lip-smacking darkness. @_@

I predict this bar will last a few months, with small, polyphenol-rich chunks being chipped off over the days and occasionally by unsuspecting houseguests.

Next time, I'm trying the 80-something% cocoa bar - at least that had SUGAR somewhere in the ingredients list. o_o

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