03 January, 2008

Brief, brief, brief, brief the blurcase tutor!

State of mind: inexplicably sleepy
Current soundtrack: White Noise (Ceiling Fans)

Some choice snippets from today:

I got a little keychain as an X'mas present from Reuben. Wahliau, paiseh only. I got nothing for anyone (._.;;;;) What I DID bring back from Japan was a t-shirt for mom and fingerpuppets for classmates-and-one-lecturer, so um, yeah. I did manage to pass one puppet off today, to Mintos. Nice-oyaji will cheer you on your way, lassie! *thumbsup*


Printing was nucking futzorz today at William's. @_@ Well, what I've printed is what I've got, and dash it all if I'm not going to roll with it as best as I can.

Still, Gah, gah, and gah again. Won't be much longer now.


Was taken round round round the college today by the HR head, and met (Wei) Meng from the design department, whose subject I'll be tutoring with 'Ben. She has an exceedingly firm handshake (and when I say this, I mean YOW THAT'S A FIRM HANDSHAKE.) Digital Photography for MM is a fairly new subject, and I daresay I shall be getting a DSLR this term. *bank account screams in despair* It will be interesting, I think—three sorta-skinny bespectacled blur-looking young people, all teaching one subject. Mind you, Meng sounds dead stern...

(I'll also be tutoring Digital Media 1, which used to be my Time-Based Media (animated Flashy animals!). Reuben is...shall we say considerably busier?)


Someone was leaving the MM Department today (to China, it seems), so they decided to sign a big big card and throw him a farewell bash on Friday.

Got home. Phone deedled at me (read: Maeda Tatsuya starts singing 'wow wow wow'). It was from work asking me if I was going to join them.

Wosheet. Not on Friday. At Friday's.

Um, but you know I'm wishing you all the best in the East, right, Teck Yew? :D;;;;; Have a great time, do great work and see great things.


That's been my day so far. Now I have to go read my employee handbook again, for lack of better things to do; how's your day been?

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