31 October, 2007

It's that 'new car' feeling, yanno?

State of mind: awed
Current soundtrack: ...No music, la.

At first sight, she took my breath away. Actually, it was her 2 gigs of RAM and DVD-R drive that did it, but who's keeping count?

Out of the wrinkly plastic that enfolded her, she looked amazing. The smooth corners. The glossy screen. The deceptive lightness. The wonderful keys, all so irresistible to touch. I am only yet discovering her idiosyncracies, but I think we'll work very well together in future.

...Yes, I got a new laptop. I haven't named her yet, though, only decided that she's a she. I mean, soft touch, rounded corners, refined exterior, looks better unwrapped, asks too many questions, reacts wildly if you don't touch her right*...Cygnus mentioned Konomi, and I'm weighing in on Nagi/Noa Reborn. Suggestions, anyone? M'not calling her Maki, before someone suggests that. It's not on and anyway, Maki would stare at my laptop and ask what I need all that fillifelle RAM and space for. And I will have no definite answer, except that the RAM is for handling all manners of work.

Oh? You want pictures? You wait 'til I set everything up. All the programs and add-ons, and suchlike. Maybe get my imageshack account back, too, seeing as how I am inexplicably unable to log in. Then y'all get a picture.

But she's BEAUTIFUL, my girl is. This...this can only be love.

* You only WISH I was kidding.


Anonymous said...

Eh heh... ? Kamilla? Or however you spell Tiga's stalker's name?

(whaaat? Come on, you know I HAD to try it. XD)

Or you could name her Nexus. Poor guy's pretty much a girl in fandom minds, anyway.

....Yeah, I'm no help. XD; (But congrats!)

May Chong said...

Thanks Lynn!

Ka--no. No, no, no. I refuse to have a laptop that might one day stab me in front of my love interest. >_<

Junis White. HMMMMMMMM...

I'm throwing around Alphonne as well, only...well, Alphonne's more RED, isn't she...XD