06 October, 2007

Happy now, are we?

State of mind: furious with a capital F
Current soundtrack: Ultraman Mebius - Fukushuu no Yoroi (Sahashi Toshihiko)

Are you? Because in three years, I've never seen her cry before, and you managed to do that. Twice in almost as many hours.

You see her as this loud, hurtful, tactless person who has dissed the whole batch. I see her as one of the few and closest friends I have ever had here in TOA, who slogs her butt off, gets great grades and is as weird as all get out. She's vehement and loud and irreverent, but I have perfect confidence she's going to get out there and rock this world. You got a bone with her? Tell it to her face. Don't you DARE slag her behind her back.

She is not picking up her phone tonight and I swear to you, with every fibre of this sin-filled soul, that if you caused her to do anything stupid, you will pay. I might not be the one to dish that out, but if heaven has eyes...

(ETA 0104 Sun 7 Oct: She was *asleep* when I called. OTL Wahoo, wtg M.Y.! At least she seems all right now. I wasn't looking forward to some godforsaken surprise in the papers when I woke up.

Anonymous #1 - I kind of forgot. I think you're very lucky if you have never felt like the world has turned its back on you, and you are completely, wholly alone in a crowd. Gods know I have.

And why yes, I am a little insane. :D Thanks for noticing!)


Anonymous said...

When one person say offensive words, he/she got to bear his/her responsibility.

Do you actually think that when I get a mail that offended me, I will keep it to myself? If you do, u are crazy. Her responsibility is to bear that Word of Mouth are human nature. Furthermore, the mail wasn't stated as P&C.

What's there to cry about? Don't you ever expect different people would blend into your lifestyle, way of saying things, time to grow up. Nor longer 3 years old kid.

Not everyone thinks like her.

May Chong said...

Hello, anonymous, and thanks for stopping by! It's true that not everybody thinks like her; I don't expect that.

I'm not condoning some of the things she said. it's not, however, an excuse to take the thing out of context and send it out into the blue yonder. Because really, you could have stepped up and told her to her face what you thought of it. She was in class this morning.

If your friends were in trouble, I'm sure you'd step up to defend them too.

Anonymous said...

Hello there Mr Anonymous, it seems the culprit has yet to reveal themselves. Too chicken to admit perhaps?

Why is that slanderer have to take that particular part of the e-mail and FORWARD it to everyone? Did that e-mail specifically mentioned HIM? He dissected her e-mail and ONLY forwarded that part which was offensive to, excuse me, HIM. SO where is the justification? Don't start with me that "She said this offensive words first!" bullshit.

The point is HE SPREAD IT TO EVERYONE AFTER REMOVING ALL THE OTHER PART OF THE E-MAIL. Such childish antics? Who is the three year-old child now, may I ask you?

He made a FUSS out of a small issue, and YOU say that is her fault? Internet slander is for cowards. If HE has anything, say it in her face!~

As expected, no wonder he took it to offence. Has he actually read her apologetic e-mail? I doubt you would want to admit that, too, if you also receive an apologetic e-mail about it?

To the slanderer: Chicken Wuss. All you do is bully a girl who is trying her best to cope to your useless needs.

If you are so unhappy with what she does, please GLADLY take up her position, and shut the hell up.

p/S: Also , I don't want to think like you either. You have not seen the whole story, only about a hate mail. I forgot, YOU ARE ALSO THE CULPRIT's ASSISTANT.

MY has NEVER mentioned about a mail THAT YOU KNOW OF. D<


May Chong said...

Constance - simmer, girl, simmer. There's no physical proof of who spread that paragraph yet--let alone his/her gender--and slander should probably not be fought with slander.

Anonymous said...

hi everyone,

---Internet slander is for cowards.---

Lamey would have just stand in front of the class and voice out her opinion, cut the arguings and finger pointing.

My Point is.
I am offended because I am Chinese educate. I feel that it's shameful for Chinese People Not able to speak and write Chinese. It's no different between Indian Or Malay; even some of them can speak and write Chinese. So, You girls, Shut the hell up. Seriously.


Anonymous said...


--- Lamey would have just stand in front of the class and voice out her opinion, cut the arguings and finger pointing.---

Then please tell that person to say it IN HER FACE and in front of the class also, quote you, "cut the arguings and finger-pointing"

Lammy had NEVER intended that e-mail to be passed around. Why would someone INTENTIONALLY highlight AND DISSECT that part of the e-mail and then forward it to so many people, especially in her graduating batch?

Hate Mail; Slander

Then there is the "Hate Mail" that can really get your blood flowing. Hate Mail, written about some famous person, that is false information with the goal of doing damage to the person reputation. Then you get it, you believe it, and you send these lies onto your friends becoming part of the problem instead of being part of the solution.

from http://www.zeewebnet.com/support/spam.htm

Yes, it's shameful for me not to be able to speak and write Mandarin, but I can still try and learn.

BTW, I'm Malay educated. In my time, government schools DON'T teach Mandarin. But Chinese schools don't teach English? Does that mean all the schools don't teach English?

If you are a girl also, then we have an agreement to shut up all together. If you are a guy, please shut the F*** UP also, since this is a "bitch fight" to you.


Anonymous said...

“the industry's not that wholly stupid –
we do NOT get small-Chinese-companies-heads with powderful English
to see our work, we're getting the really educated/civilized EXPERIENCED
people to see our work.”

The interpretation of the above excerpt means :

“The industry is not entirely stupid, we (batch51) will not get SMALL CHINESE HEADS with bad English to see our work, we (batch51) are getting the educated/civilized/ EXPERIENCED people to see our work.

So meaning to say those small Chinese owned companies unfortunately with bad English are uneducated, uncivilized and inexperience.

Those companies that are doing well are those English educated /civilized EXPERIENCED people like constance I guess.

If you do not agree with my interpretation then let me construct a sentence with similar sentence structure and let u interpret the meaning.

“The group of sheep’s not wholly fat, we (butchers) do not get fat oily sheep with dirty hoofs to be slaughtered, we’re getting the really healthy/tender/tamed sheep to be slaughtered.”

Lammy had written an apologetic e-mail, and I think everyone had accepted it including me, so I advise constance not to stir it up again.
This is batch51’s prob, people not graduating with this batch please do not get involved. Thank You.

Below are all my reply to constance:

You said
“Did that e-mail specifically mentioned HIM? He dissected her e-mail and ONLY forwarded that part which was offensive to, excuse me, HIM.”

You mentioned “which was offensive to, excuse me, HIM.”, which means only HIM get offended by the excerpt below,

“the industry's not that wholly stupid –
we do NOT get small-Chinese-companies-heads with powderful English
to see our work, we're getting the really educated/civilized EXPERIENCED
people to see our work.”

If that’s the case even if HE just forward that part of the email to other people that won’t find it offensive, then no one will get pissed right? So that indicates not only HIM finds it offensive, am I right?

You also mention that what had happened is a “slander” ,according to http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/slander Slander means a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report, so please point it out the slander part.

You also said:

“As expected, no wonder he took it to offence. Has he actually read her apologetic e-mail? I doubt you would want to admit that, too, if you also receive an apologetic e-mail about it?”

The 1st email received is sent on Friday, 6 Oct 2007 and the apologetic email on Sat, 6 Oct 2007 18:46:03 +0800. The apologetic email is sent one day after the 1st email, how do you expect people to read it in advance of the 1st email? Did anyone still make a big fuss after receiving the email?

You also said:

“To the slanderer: Chicken Wuss. All you do is bully a girl who is trying her best to cope to your useless needs.”

How nice of you to give people names, let me also give you 1,

“To the defender: Elephant Puss. All you do is run your mouth whatever running through your brain and thinks selfishly protecting a girl who I know she is trying her best to cope with BATCH51’s needs.”

You also said:

“If you are so unhappy with what she does, please GLADLY take up her position, and shut the hell up.”

WE (Chinese educated people) have nothing against with what she does, and WE really think she’s a good story writer, like CMY. WE are just pissed with the way she discriminate people of Chinese education with poor English. WE are proud of our Chinese heritage so WE won’t forgive anyone who discriminates or make fun of it.

WE have already shut our HELL up after receiving the apologetic email but you have to run your mouth on CMY’s blog to stir the fire back up, so WE hope YOU shut your HOLES up too as others shut their hell up. Don’t make things worst. Think further of the consequences if this continues!

p/s: Sorry to anyone who is pissed or upset by the comments I made. Sorry to Lammy for you learnt the lesson the hard way. I hope everything ends here, Thanks for reading :)


Anonymous said...

Dear Constance,
I suggest that you stay out of Batch 51 prob. I got Lamey's Sorry mail, so it's end of story. Batch 51 accepted her apology, why are you into this when things are settled? It's none of your biz rite? Lamey is not here defending herself either. things are sorted out. why are you coming in? I don't see you helping out in any sense in Graduation batch 51 but just carrying your doll around the college, so stay out.

Dear everyone else,
keep things simple. she apologized, so let it go, it's just a small matter. everyone make mistakes.


Anonymous said...

I think I reposted this twice, so sorry in advance.

I apologize to LiamM, Edwin and whoever finds my comment offensive. I aslo apologize to May Yin because this is her blog.

I'm sorry for causing such a stir after everything has settled. I don't want to argue anymore and cause more hurt to my friend.

Let's ALL AGREE to shut ANY OF OUR HOLES up. Thanks for making a point.

Suez- Yes, I'm sorry about Lammy's case. It's some-what my business because she is my friend.

I was in Batch 51, I voted for your committee members, and I have worked VOLUNTARILY for two and a half day at the Sens of Pride fair. Now that I left, of course I am staying out.

NOW you saying I don't help but carrying my dolls around is steroe-typing. Please remember you also have another two members who carry dolls around college like me, in your Batch 51.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to offend you too. A very big thank you in helping out for SOP.
Let's put it to a fullstop ok?
We strive hard in toa, let's don't make our lives harder by arguing over tiny shits.

same to everyone.
